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Wildwood Yurt!

Dear friends and family,

It took about 10 months, but it's official--the yurt is done!!!

On the Thursday before our wedding we received our Certificate of Occupancy from the building department. That was about as good a wedding present as anyone could ask for!

Building this home has been a major undertaking. We have learned A LOT. And none of it would have been possible without the continued support and encouragement from all of you!

We have posted the yurt onto a well known rental website:

Clink on the link to see photos of the finished product. And please share this link with anyone you know who may be interested in staying in a unique home in Northwest Lower Michigan. Our goal is to have the place rented out solid through next year.

For now we are comfortable and cozy in our little barn basement apartment.

Since the wedding has passed, and construction is over, we are truly beginning to feel the peaceful quiet and magic of our land. We feel more connected to each other and to the land than ever before.

Our plan right now is to focus our energy into renting the yurt, while Eran works full time as a landscaper. Hopefully this fall we will have the time and resources to begin planting berries that will act as our public u-pick berry patch for next season.

Thank you so much for everyone who attending our wedding, and worked so hard to make the event happen. Official Thank You cards are forthcoming!

Stay tuned as we continue to post pictures of our land as it progresses towards being a real working farm.

Much love and gratitude.

The Rhodzells :)

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